The National apparatus for the Democratic party is lazy, out of touch, and tone deaf.
Consider the barrage of emails I get on a daily basis-
1. Christina Aguilera invites me to dinner with her. Well this is nice, but my Wife might object. (We don't do fantasy passes). This is ostensibly to fundraise for HRC, which is fine, except I don't play lotteries. Supposedly I donate and enter into some kind of celeb-sycophantic-sweepstakes where I get to meet "important" people.
2. If I don't donate to cause A,B,C, or candidate X,Y,Z I will be accused of responsibility for Florida drowning, Grandma freezing to death, Ted Cruz launching WWIII, Trump banning Univision and the shrinking of Kim Kardashian's ass.
3. So and so needs my help. Well have so and so call me and ask.
4. TAKE ACTION NOW! I'm eating now, I will take action later..
Of course later comes and I have forgotten about those emails, until another one comes along, which I will also ignore, and forget about.
The point is for some reason the DNC thinks fundraising cures all. It does not. If all you spend it on is stupid emails and even dumber TV ads, it makes the disease worse.
People want hope. The most successful Democratic campaigns have been about hope. 1932, 1960, 1992, and 2008 were about motivation through inspiration. Conservatives work on fear, liberals work on hope.
We don't work on watching paint dry. We don't work on disloyalty, and as cute as Ms. Aguilera is, and she is mighty fine, we don't work on dinners with celebs.
In fact, the whole notion is very elitist. Democrats, and most voters in general, want to hear about specifics, about ideas, about what specific ideas do you have that will put more $$ in my pocket? More food on the table. More fun during downtime. They don't care about celeb dinner lottos more geared to the David Geffen groupies than average Americans.
I am not sure what or if something will be done to ever make them understand these realities. Perhaps when they have one seat left, the White House, thanks to Ruy Texiera's accurate but incomplete and misleading theory of the emerging electorate, they will. But at that point, all of the celebs will probably be in another country.
If your policies are so bereft of relevance to the average voter you have to pimp celeb access, you have become a bad reality show.
Only in this show, the people on Main Street are not getting paid.