Whitesplaining, war on everything, man you guys have a PC ordinance violation for every occasion-except for when our asses get kicked in elections, then it is-oh ya, the fault of the people you walled off to..
Can't be stupid candidates, weak policy, can't be focus grouping something to exhaustion, no must be white America's fault, or the cop's fault, or the senior's fault, or the Uncle Tom's fault, you know, the black man who speaks from a position of perceived privilege, rather than oppression, or something. So now, presenting the oath I imagine so many of the New Left take, that I reject, so I can leave here on my own terms
A sexy naked girl is being exploited, and a not so sexy naked girl is being bold.
The N word is OK if you are, A. black, B., black and pissed and trying to manipulate responses..
The word cracker is always ok.
White liberals who complain about unprovoked prejudice towards them are racist.
White liberals are automatically racist unless thy disavow their own privilege.
The New Left will excise the party of any anti-gay marriage Democrats, no matter the electoral cost
The New Left will also decry as racist anybody who complains about you know, burning businesses down..
The New Left will vilify and denigrate any straight male who enjoys football, beer, cheeseburgers, and generally anything with meat
The New Left will bury the lede on our real platform so we can can continue to scoop up all of that good, and domestically fucking useless, Glibertarian vote
The New Left will disavow labor for many of the reasons above..
The New Left will sell out to Wall Street
The New Left will embrace anti-Semitism under the guise of being Pro-Palestine
The New Left will, uh, lose..A lot. But hey when you worship at the alter of your own ego, small price to pay.
Be seeing you. Uh, hopefully that isn't true. I never want to encounter the extreme myopic left again.
It's about the NEW DEAL, stupid.
Now talk about it. Don't just label it. Because a lot of people will read this and nod in silence-fearful of the ever growing mob of PC cops abusing them. But hypocrisy is not a platform. Refusing to bridge gaps and educating is not a platform. All that is being espoused by this behavior is political dogma. And it leaves an awful lot of good people out in the political cold.
I am not some cartoon character you have envisioned. That is what you turned me into to when I made just the slightest of unapproved statements. Think about building a bridge, for once, rather than playing the role of social warrior martyr in desperate need of a sword. Peace. THAT, I do mean. Peace and love to all-whether they deserve it or not.